My Researh
My research interests are in applied mathematics and numerical analysis. In particular, I study stability of matrix decompositions. My advisor is Prof. Vadim Olshevsky. Recently I got interested in applications of linear algebra in quantum computing.
Here is my cv.pdf
13. Finding My People: One Mathematician’s Reflection On MAA Mathfest 2024, The Math Values blog from the Mathematical Association of America, September 5, 2024
12. A Linear Algebra Story: How We Reconstructed a Matrix from its Eigenvalues, with Alex Holley, The College Mathematics Journal, DOI: 10.1080/07468342.2023.2266319
11. Lipschitz stability of Æ”-FOCS and RC canonical Jordan bases of real H-selfadjoint matrices under small perturbations, with Sahinde Dogruer and Vadim Olshevsky, Linear Algebra and Applications, Volume 686, 1 April 2024, Pages 64-82 arXiv:2204.04639
10. Existence of flipped orthogonal conjugate symmetrical bases for real H-selfadjoint matrices, with Sahinde Akgul Dogruer and Vadim Olshevsky, “Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 72 (7), 2024, 1160--1169 arXiv:2203.09877
9. Gohberg-Kaashoek Numbers and Forward Stability of the Schur Canonical Form, with Evelyn Nitch-Griffin and Vadim Olshevsky, arXiv:2110.1534
8. Backward Stability of the Schur Canonical Form, with Evelyn Nitch-Griffin and Vadim Olshevsky, Linear Algebra and Applications, accepted ( arXiv:2108.02312
7. A theorem of Joseph-Alfred Serret and its relation to perfect quantum state transfer, with Maxim Derevyagin and Nathan Sun, Expositiones Mathematicae, 39, Issue 3, September 2021, p. 480-499.
6. Integral identities for polyanalytic functions, with Olga D. Trofimenko, in: Abell M., Iacob E., Stokolos A., Taylor S., Tikhonov S., Zhu J. (eds) Topics in Classical and Modern Analysis, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser, Cham, 2019, p. 279–291.
5. A continuation of solutions to convolution equations with the loss of smoothness, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 38, Issue 3, 2017, p. 488–493.
4. The nonintegrability of an extension of solutions to the convolution equation from Gevrey class, Transactions of Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 19, p. 143–147 (in Ukrainian).
3. Theorems about non-integrability of an extension of solutions to the convolution equation, Bulletin of Donetsk National University – S. A. Natural sciences, 2009, 1, p. 21-24 (in Ukrainian).
2. On the character of nonintegrability for an extension of solutions of convolution equations, Transactions of Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2008, 18, p. 152–155 (in Russian).
1. The behavior of integral of an extension of solution to convolution equation, Transactions of Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2008, 17, p. 144–147 (in Russian).z